Gender History vol.8(2012)


  • Changing Gender Patterns in Rural Japan in the Postwar Period: "Young Wives in the 60s" and their Experiences

    ・・・ AKITSU Motoki

  • The Midwife by Whose Hands the Emperor was Born: Midwifery and the Imperial Family in the Writings of IWASAKI Naoko

    ・・・ KIMURA Naoko

  • The Development of Policies to Empower Rural Women in Post-war Japan: An Analysis of the Gender Assumptions of Rural Extension Workers

    ・・・ IWASHIMA Fumi

  • Women's Lib in Iwate: As Seen from the Life Stories of Urara-Sha Reading Group Members

    ・・・ YANAGIWARA Megumi

Research Note

  • The Revival of Military Masculinity Presented in Boys' Magazines: Masculinities Under the Occupation of the Allied Forces

    ・・・ UCHIDA Masakatsu


I. Key Words in Gender History

  • Disaster and Gender

    ・・・ NIWA Masayo

II. Academic Disciplines and Gender

  • International Migration and Gender as a Field of Research: A Brief Introduction

    ・・・ ITO Ruri

New Trends Abroad

  • The New Trend of "Islam and Women/Gender" Studies: Focus on Southeast Asia and Indonesia

    ・・・ HATTORI Mina

  • Book Reviews

  • New Books
