Gender History vol.6(2010)


  • Reflections on the Cultural Revolution: Gender, Labor and Iron Girls

    ・・・ JIN Yihong (trans. by OHASHI Fumie)

  • Representations of Gender during the Plague Crisis: Images of Plague Victims in Early Modern Italy

    ・・・ SHIMBO Kiyono

  • Welfare and the Policing of the Male Breadwinner in Early-Twentieth-Century America

    ・・・ GOTO Chiori

  • Clarence J. Gamble and the Postwar Japanese Birth Control Movement: The Convening of the Fifth International Planned Parenthood Conference

    ・・・ TOYODA Maho


Ⅰ. Key Words in Gender History

  • Reproduction

    ・・・ OGINO Miho

II. Academic Disciplines and Gender

  • Gender and Education Research

    ・・・ KIMURA Ryoko

New Trends Abroad

  • The Centennial of "the Annexation of Korea" and the Recent Studies of Women's History and Gender History in the Republic of Korea

    ・・・ KIM Puja

  • Book Reviews

  • New Books
