Gender History vol.3(2007)


  • The Politics of the Black Rapist Myth: American Racial Violence, Gender and Class at the Turn of the 20th Century

    ・・・ KANEKO Ayumu

  • Women on Sugar Plantations: Japanese Migrant Women in Hawaii and the Oahu Strike of 1920

    ・・・ MIYAMOTO Natsuki

  • The Formation of Weakness-Phobia: Masculinity as Depicted in the Meiji-era Magazine Shonen Sekai

    ・・・ YAMAGUCHI=UCHIDA Masakatsu

  • From Mothers' Pensions to Aid to Dependent Children: Gender in the United States Social Security Act of 1935

    ・・・ SATO Chitose

Research Note

  • Women's Images in Ancient Greece: The Different Implications of Men and Women in the Term, Φάρμακον (Medicinal Herb)

    ・・・ SAKURAI Yumi


I. Key Words in Gender History

  • Fatherhood

    ・・・ KAIZUMA Keiko

  • Sisterhood

    ・・・ ARUGA Natsuki

II. Academic Disciplines and Gender

  • From Convent to Concert Hall: Studies on Women Composers and Musicology

    ・・・ NISHIZAKA Taeko

New Trends Abroad

  • Women and Gender in Native American History

    ・・・ SATO Madoka

Book Reviews

  • Trends in the Contemporary Women's Movement in Taiwan

    ・・・ HUANG Lin-hsuan

  • New Books
