Gender History vol.17(2021)


  • The American Eugenics Movement and Sterilization in the Early 20th Century: From the Enactment of World's First Sterilization Law in Indiana to Margaret Sanger's Birth Control Movement

    ・・・ KIDO Yoshiyuki

  • Compulsory Sterilization in Nazi-Germany and Compensation for Victims

    ・・・ KINO Aiko

  • Scientific Discourse on Sex and the Women's Subjectivity in Imperial Germany: on Marianne Weber's Criticism of the Concept of "Nature"

    ・・・ NAITO Yoko

Research Note

  • Reexamination of the Iconography of Empress Jingu: The Transformation of the Iconography after the Annexation of Korea and after the War from the Perspective of Gender

    ・・・ JINNAI Eri


I. Key Words in Gender History

  • Intersectionality

    ・・・ IINO Yuriko

II. Academic Disciplines and Gender

  • History of Nursing Profession

    ・・・ YAMASHITA Mai

New Trends Abroad

  • Research on North Korean Women in South Korea: Finding a Way to Co-existence

    ・・・ YAMASHITA Yeong-Ae

  • Book Reviews

  • New Books
