Gender History vol.12(2016)


  • The Controversies over Transgender Students and New Admission Policies of the Seven Sisters Colleges in the 21st Century America

    ・・・ TAKAHASHI Yuko

  • 'All You Need is Love': Same-Sex Marriage/Partnership and Expansion of the 'Good Citizen'

    ・・・ AOYAMA Kaoru

  • The Militarization of "Equality" and "Diversity": A Case Study of the U.S. Military

    ・・・ SATO Fumika

  • The Roles and Limitations of "Learning-Action" in the Sexual Minorities Movement in Japan, Focusing on the Ideas of Minami Teishiro

    ・・・ HORIKAWA Shuhei


I. Key Words in Gender History

  • Poverty and Gender

    ・・・ AKAISHI Chieko

II. Academic Disciplines and Gender

  • Art History and Gender

    ・・・ KOKATSU Reiko

New Trends Abroad

  • Gender Violence in Wartime and Under Colonialism: An Introduction to Recent Research in Italian History

    ・・・ Odawara Rin

  • Book Reviews

  • New Books
