Gender History vol.1(2005)


Special: The First Annual Meeting

Key Note Lecture

  • The Politics of Gender: Japan's Modernization from the Perspective of the United States

    ・・・ Anne Walthall

Symposium "Why Gender History Now?"

  • Disciplinal Position: Its Construction and Deconstruction

    ・・・ OHASHI Yoichi

  • Women's History and Gender: In the Case of Japanese Early Medieval Period

    ・・・ FUKUTO Sanae

  • Revolution and Gender: Rethinking Chinese Women's History

    ・・・ MAEYAMA Kanako

  • Gender and Labour: Regulating Dangerous Trades in Britain

    ・・・ OMORI Maki

  • The Inseparable Relationship between Gender History and Studies in Representation: A Case Study

    ・・・ WAKAKUWA Midori


  • Representation of Gender and Landscape as Markers of Resistant Self-Identity in Kokawadera engi emaki

    ・・・ KAMEI Wakana

Research Note

  • Reading Gender in the Ancient Athenian Society

    ・・・ SAKURAI Mariko

Serial: Key Words in Gender History

  • Patriarchy

    ・・・ SENDA Yuki

  • Homosocial

    ・・・ HOSHINO Haruhiko

  • Book Reviews

  • New Books
